Let's Talk About Non-Judgment

January’s Theme: non-judgment.

This is that time of year when everybody is making new years resolutions… or we’re actively NOT making resolutions and we’re making revolutions! Or we’re just always living our best lives and not doing any of it… whatever it is that we are or are not doing, let’s move forward without judgment:

Without judgment for that person who’s gonna start coming to the gym in 2019… we’ve all been there. 

Without judgment for the fact that last year you resolved to start going to the gym and you’re resolving to do it again this year because the gym didn’t become part of your routine in 2018. 

Without judgment for people who are going to try something that you’ve already done that didn’t work for you… we all have to figure stuff out on our own and be where we are NOW.

Without judgment for having expectations and feeling let down when they don’t come true. 

Forgive yourself for not knowing everything or being everything that you always thought you'd be or living the life you always imagined you would… You’re human, and you’re doing your best… just like the rest of us.

Do keep working towards the life you’ve always imagined though. Just be open for all the twists and turns that life will make along the way.

Practice non-judgment for ourselves and non-judgment for each other. Instead let’s notice, accept, embrace, celebrate, and be aware. We are where we are… each one of us.

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This month when you notice judgment come up ask yourself a few questions:

Does this affect me?

Am I responsible for this?

What am I believing about myself right now?

Can I love this instead of judge this?

Kate Moore