
In Person Small Group Classes

  • Intro: 14 classes for $14

  • $15 - Drop-in

  • $125 - Unlimited Monthly

Virtual Classes

  • $50 - Virtual Library access ($25/every two weeks)

  • $300 - Virtual Library access for the year

Download the app to purchase class packs or individual classes!

If no one is signed up for class within 30 minutes beforehand, it is at the discretion of the instructor to cancel that class. So make sure to sign up early and often!

On that same note, class sizes are limited, so make sure if you’re not going to make it...cancel! Someone else may want that spot!

If you want to cancel your membership, we require a 30 day notice. 

If you want to freeze your membership (say you’re on summer vacation or want to take a break) it is $10/month for the freeze period up to 3 months.

Are you in the hospitality industry? We've got a DEAL for you...

Are you a student in Nashville? We've got a DEAL for you...