Let's Talk About Trust

July’s Theme: trust

Since May, in intentional order, we’ve covered duality + trust

With  d u a l i t y, we learned that we can hold two things at the same time that may seem opposite - like anger and love. There wouldn’t be any anger if we didn’t care. Like joy and pain - we really can’t experience true joy if we don’t experience pain. Like stillness and action - there’s a time and a place for both and it ebbs and flows. 

From there we talked about  t r u s t. Trust that where there’s anger, there can also be love. Trust that pain doesn’t negate joy and that joy doesn’t negate pain and that both are necessary and that you are strong enough to experience both. Trust that there’s a time and a place to be still and be quiet - there’s also a time and a place to take action.

Kate MooregetFIT615