A guide for beginners (or starting over) in fitness: What do I do?

Hey y’all! It’s Jess!

The world of fitness can feel so intimidating. With information abound and lots of “this is right” or “that is wrong,” it can feel really confusing to jump into a journey that makes sense for you. I'm here to offer some insight.

Here are a few tips for finding fitness that works for you.

  1. Start with what you like. If you like to take long hikes, start there. If you like to dance, start there. If you like to swim, stretch, walk…start there. There are no wrong answers here. What you like is a baseline for what you decide to do going forward. Let’s be clear…this is a YOU thing. No right answer, just what’s right for you.

  2. Think about what will make the thing you love a consistent piece in your life. For example, if you love hikes, how does that become a consistent part of your week? Maybe it’s scheduling the time to do that with friends. If it’s dance, maybe find a class locally that is fun and fits your schedule. It’s a building block for adding other fitness pieces to your life. Make a goal of 3x52, 3 days a week…52 weeks in the year. This isn’t new information…just a reframing of that information. We sometimes get caught up in the big picture, but it doesn’t have to be that complicated. Challenging? Sometimes, but not complicated. Also, there are some weeks you can’t get 3 in, but maybe some weeks you can get 4 or even 5 days of intentional movement in your week. Building blocks of success start with a plan.

  3. Add in a functional component that compliments the thing you love. A good way to do this is to f\ind community. Oftentimes, those communities provide insight to the missing pieces and information for what you need. Learning your body through the things you love is always helpful to identify what you need to add to maximize those things. You don’t have to have all the answers.

  4. Strength training isn’t bad. Proper strength training is key. Understanding strength training is only going to add and not take away when you find the right version for YOU. Strength training should enhance the things you love. It’s great for joint and bone health as it pertains to longevity. AND it can be a dangerous game when going at it without context. What’s the goal? Let’s take losing weight off the table. What is the real goal? I hope it’s to do more of what you love. ✨

  5. Tune out the noise so you can hear your body. Your body is communicating with you all the time. Listen to it. It will guide you on rest, work, where you’re holding stress and what needs attention. This is key to maintaining a fitness journey that will sustain you a lifetime. Rest is part of a healthy lifestyle journey. Pushing the limits is also healthy once you’ve learned your body. It matters more than you know.

  6. Trust your instincts. Once you have the noise tuned out, your instincts will grow. Trust the cues from your body. Skipping a workout sometimes is necessary. Sometimes, pushing when you don’t think you can is necessary. Your body will tell the story.  Have 10 minutes? Test the waters. Your body will say yes or no. And honor that no. Some or something, not all or nothing.

We all are on a journey. There is no destination when it comes to your wellness. It is a continuous path and it’s an extremely windy road. Please understand, you don’t have to go about this alone. You can do this! It can be intimidating to start over or to find intentional fitness for the first time, honor those feelings. We don’t believe in waiting until a date on the calendar or time of year to restart…it’s up to us to decide for ourselves when we’re ready for that next step. We have your back here at getFIT615 whether you choose us as your landing spot or not, we are HERE FOR YOU! You’ve got this!

Jess Thompson